I ain't no football/soccer fan (and I have no reason to be - wink wink) but y'all know I just had to pay tribute to the world cup currently being held in Germany. In honour of the
FIFA 2006 worldcup, I'd like to share my friend's debut spread in Nigeria's
GOAL! Magazine. It's not just a spread in a magazine, it's also a good read.
It's a PDF file and you can read it
here - just click on it to enlarge.
Ghana played last Saturday and won Czech Republic 2-0,
go Ghana go Ghana go! Their next game is on Thursday this week, against the U.S. (Note: Nigeria did not qualify for the World Cup this time and Ghana is closest to home.)
To see the rest of the World Cup 2006 schedule,
click here.
And now for some football humour:

Stop supporting Ghana. GHANA MUST GO. your country didnt qualify. they cannot win the world cup before us.
i just checked out the article. Some of those football players are hotties!!!
Henry will come good soon,....nice blog
You know DonChichi? talk about 3 degrees of separation...
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