Hahah you guys must think I'm full of phonetics huh...buffer zone abi? Hehehehe, okay it all started when a fellow blogger and I were reading a couple of posts and I realised, Nigeria has a lot to do with crews, demarcations, Classism (I don't know if that is a word but you know what that means - Class discrimination) so I entered "demarcation" in the Thesaurus and got a whole load of results, hence the word 'Buffer Zone' - I quite like that one.
Anyway, so Nigeria, like a lot of other societies, is very Classist but in Nigeria it is definitely made worse and very in each others' faces.
Take Taureanminx's post on Lagos Crews for instance, where in Lagos there are different crews and bla bla. The funny thing is that just like in Lagos, or wherever in Gidi, there are crews with the Asians, Jews, Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, and Americans in LA for instance. But Naijanaz highlighted that why it is distinct in Nigeria is because we are Naija and there is no middle class. "There is a differentiation between the Rich, the Really Rich and then the others". Sad innit?

How about Ayoke's blog about Minnie, Mickey and Barbie classes in a school in Nigeria? That is absolutely ridiculous but we are guessing it is the parents of those children who wanted their kids in Minnie/Mickey classes and asked for them to be created, so we can all know which children's parents have names by the classroom they are in. Losers. We are very fickle sha.
Anyways, I cant say I have a solution or want to criticise because we are all in this whole Buffer zone shizniz when we say euuggh - I went to this secondary school compared to that secondary school or where we hear ourselves saying things like "JAND IS A LEVELLER" LOL! God help us sha.
Speaking of Demarcations, who remembers Alayescoro with his amazing blogs on Janded guys and girls? Anyways he has something very funny on The Dichotomy of Naija. Stuff like:
Income - Legit and Illegit
Babes - Prepaid and Postpaid
Football fans - Those who support the villains and all the others who don't
Universities - Ife and the rest (yea right!)
It's quite funny sha...I might start my own soon when I have time but check it out on his blog.
Very nice and funny.....I cant tell you how many times i have heard - abroad is a leveller....
This is what I meant by rich and really rich. If you earn an entry level bankers salary of N1.5 million you are in the top 1% of Nigerian earners and thus are rich. But you don't feel rich compared to those who make N20 to N30 mil and they don't feel rich compared to those who make N100 mil. To be honest the only reason why you can even tell the difference in Lagos especially for people in their twenties and thirties is where people live and what car they drive cos if you earn 3 to 4 mil a year you can generally easily afford everything else (except a gen) that someone making ten times that can. Once that barrier goes, and more people start to look obviously rich, Nigeria better be in better shape or shit is going to hit the fan for real. Aiight I'm done.
Oya, update for me!!
This is you guys' punishment, until I see some comments...no updates!
New to this blog thing (call me stale).... Love it Rams! Just been informed by a dear friend of mine who went to one of the top primary schools in Lagos that YES demarcation does exist! Apparently her school had a white class/black class system going on!!! YES....the white/light skinned/half caste kids seemed to be placed in one class and the blacker kids in another (LMAO!!!). My dear black anambra friend was obviously in class BLACK. LOL!!!! Now this wasn't actually something the staff would admit to.....it was just something the kids knew!!!!! Clearly something one has to think about when chosing a husband....(!!!)....'Will our kids be in class white or class black if I married him?'
food for thought here as usual, mona. Class demarcations? It's the way the world is built.
What every individual must learn though, is, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
my friend what r you feeling like. Trying to hold people to ransom. If you like don't update, that is your business. In fact i don't even know why i am wasting my time talking to you.
the girl in one of those pictures is funlola's friend... hadiza! haha
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