Back in the game....

Mona is back! Apologies for the inconsistent blogging, it seems there is something in the water sending us bloggers all on some sabbatical or the other. Anyways I'm back and back with something new. Every week or every other week, I will publish a section of my friend, Naijanaz's NYSC camp diary to which he gave me exclusive rights to publish (so I wonder why he is now writing about it on his own blog - hiss! Anyways we women are more creative, I trust you'll read mine instead ;o) ).

So, for all of you who are interested in doing NYSC or are looking to do it pretty soon or at some point in your lives (don't leave it too late), Naijanaz's diary entries give you an insight to first hand experience on a typical NYSC camp.

Did I say typical?? LOL don't hold your breath cos it depends on where you are posted to, luckily he was in Lagos, given his overseas status. With every entry, I will also include some form of resource with regards to NYSC so here goes:

To Register or not to Register (Day 1)

For those eager beavers who want to register on the first day I got one word for you: DON'T. Or at least if you feel you must make sure you get there at like six in the morning or earlier. Those of us who rocked up at 12, 1 on the first day had a good view of the sky above as we sat down on the camp parade ground looking up at it for like six seven hours. I got there at one and was number 1157, and by the time I left at 10 they had processed up to 7 something. Since I had not registered I was able to get out of the gate without the customary tax required. Second thing about registration if you don’t have a friend who is going with you, you’d better be willing to do anything to get one. This is because the frustration that registration creates is better spread amongst more than one person. I saw a few of these unfortunates and trust me you don’t want that to be u. The other thing friends are good for is bag watching. You want to go to the canteen and get food you can, you walk to the front for like the tenth time to see what is going on you can. You want to hit on that hot girl you can… well if you are going to do any blocking, do it early. Unless you’ve got sugar in your mouth by the eight or the ninth hour you shall be getting the coco!

Not bad huh? ;o)

Source of pic - NYSC Delta site
NYSC Link (1) - NYSC in Wikipedia


Don Chi as Blog Marley a.k.a. El Senor Supremo said...

KCUF NYSC! And that's all I'm saying. Hey hon. Welcome back. I hope to join you soon.

Bella Naija said...

Nooooooooooooooooo donchi did not just beat me to first....
ah ah...

Anyway, I have to read this very closely because I will soon be part of this madness!

zaiprincesa said...


Naija Vixen said...

LOL...I luv ur blogging style!keep doing great things...

Anonymous said...

lol. this reminds me of when i did my nysc. i registered on the 1st day and i stood for almost 5hrs!! it wasn't fun, but i had liek 5 friends there, so it was cool. to make matters worse it rained on us and the sun came out to dry us

snazzy said...

thanks for the pat on the head mona. I am almost tempted to roll over. Since I know for sure that two people read my blog I ain't gonna complain about the free (any bill u send shall be returned unopened) publicity.

Aramide said...

LOL snazzy oo serious!

Anonymous said...

heya cool entry from chinny! hahaha you know who this is :)

Anonymous said...

NYSC... Aramide, You need to go out there and partake in it, so that you can give us FIRSTHAND experience...

laspapi said...

wb, mona.

The NYSC diaries bring my stint in Akwa Ibom to mind.

Anonymous said...

My dear Mona,

I have actually missed your postings; I really loved your research style and the way you present them.

You are very cool; Please, kip it up!

As per subject; I am way ahead of the game but all in all, it was a cool experience for me.

Why? you may enquire..

That is where I met my wifey

Isn't that just too cool.

So NYSC for me is Now Your Success Continues.


Uzo said...

Ha Ha. I served and did not stay in camp. Let's just say, i found a helper. For those of you that will serve in Lagos and would like help during your service year (including getting out of camp, getting your CD card signed even though you dont go) let me know. I can hook you up with a number. LOL

Aramide said...

HAHAH no probs I will definitely holler when I need it!

@ Dipo, that is amazing a sucker for romance!

Anonymous said...

NYSC, thank God I di not have to subject myself to that. Welcom,e back from your mini holiday


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mona for the info. I just remembered when you used to read the news back in High School. Lol!

Dimples said...

I can wait to do my NYSC sometime in the future!!!..(but to be honest..the 3 weeks of camp would do just fine for me)

I remember when I was younger the main reason I wanted to go through the madness of NYSC was to meet Mr Right :)..but thank God for age and experience...(who knows i might just be like Dipo :)

Nice one Mona!!!