Suzy Peaches' Fruit Basket (The Dozen Issue)

Suzy Peaches has put up her twelfth issue on my blog. Please read and enjoy :o)

The Thing With Christian Guys

Hello my lovely Readers, I trust you are well and in high spirits. Suzy is back in the building with fruity treats for your delectation. Here is my first offering:

The thing with Christian Guys

Have you ever wondered why some Christian guys act like non-Christian guys when it comes to dating? I have lost count with the number of times I have been faced with these questions.

1. Why is it that they don’t seem to want to commit?
2. Why is it they blow hot and then so very cold?
3. Why do they serial date?

I sought explanations from both single and married men and their answer was simply this - Christianity has nothing to do with their preferences.
The truth of the matter is unlike women, the attributes and qualities men look for in a future partner is not dependent on religion. Men are unanimous in their idea of a life partner (don’t bit my head off) they all want a woman who is caring, nurturing and devoted to pleasing them. That more or less encapsulates everything from cooking and cleaning to mothering and motivating.

Men do not find promiscuous women or women with low moral standards attractive. Women on the other hand find bad boys irresistibly attractive, so much so that they begin to subconsciously seek them out. I know this because I used to be one of those women. I once read an article which suggested that it had something to do with bad boys doing what good girls wished they could.
For me it was because I found nice guys a bit too predicable and boring for my liking. I have since seen the light and have decided to stick to certainty and stability, all the excitement and spontaneity of these bad boys have gotten me nowhere.

All the same the nebulous affirmations of these Christian men have become a real course for concern among Church ladies. I know that sometimes it us ladies to blame as we always seem to running ahead of ourselves when it comes to coupling, but as the old saying goes there is no smoke without fire.

So why are these men still as promiscuous even after the renewal of their minds? I asked a Christian friend of mine who was getting to know two girls at the same time. His response was logical yet alarming: “As Christianity does not advocate pre-martial sex and heavy petting there is nothing intimate or exclusive in the activities we engage in”. He then went on to explain that all they do is talk on the phone, talk in person, hang out etc… nothing special. He was even bold enough to say it one of the girls when she found out, she flipped and he couldn’t understand why. As far as he was concerned intimacy is a prerequisite for committed and seeing as that hadn’t happen he was a free bird.

If this is the mentally of Christian boys then God please come now … Your daughters are in trouble.

Take Suzy's Survey!!!


Aramide said...

Great post Suzy P but this survey is it for men or women

Anonymous said...

"Men do not find promiscuous women or women with low moral standards attractive." dunno about that there... we find the fine ones very attractive… matter of fact some of them get wifed-up faster than the so called “good girls” ... even I, don’t understand why…

To answer all three of your question:

1. Why is it that they don’t seem to want to commit?
2. Why is it they blow hot and then so very cold?
3. Why do they serial date?

Why Not?

your 2nd question is a valid question though, blowing hot and then being cold... the reason is because many of them are tryna get draws deceptively upfront so they blow the hot… now after the draws have been dropped they blow the cold air and this is who they really are... also many of this so called Christian boyz are just in church to holler at the females in that church, this is nothing new... there is no mind renewing going on, these guys are just in church to renew their supply of poontang...

Again these guyz are just living their lives and getting what they want how they know how to without integrity.... this is the world we live in, you have no control over the next person, so worrying and questioning what the next person is doing such and such is suffering... all you have control over is yourself.

Until a guy is ready to give up his freedom, he won’t…and when he is willing to give it up, he wants to give it up to a woman that is worth giving it up to… that’s how I see it…

Good Luck in finding answers Peaches.... Very Good Post!

Anonymous said...

Mona the survey is for everyone.

AIVY said...

if u try to understand guys and answer all the why? questions about them? good luck to you. You can check out my blog, i did a post on guys and a fellow male blogger dared to answer my whys? in the comment section... his comment is a must read...very interesting answers indeed!

Anonymous said...

I love this post suzy! well done!!!....I always say, the fact that a guy is a christain does not make him different....they are still men and want the same thing like thier babes being attractive,not boring etc......

However, I did a 5-part series on my blog called "Why singles are staying single"....check it out in your own time @

Well done! really enjoyed reading that

Jerusalem said...

Demola,thou speakest the truth.

Marcus Kaiser said...

Becoming a Christian does not remove a man's testosterone. It does give an unmarried man the option to rely on the new power source of the Holy Spirit to deal with his sex drive. However, all the cultural messages both to men and women are totally counter to restraining the sexual urge. A Godly man will have to intentionally seek out good environments to keep this God-given urge within the bounds that best result in life and freedom to the full. Yes, pray for the false spirit of lust to be restrained in these times and for the reality of God's plan for marriage to be clear in the minds of Christian men, who are to be leaders, salt and light in a screwed up world.

And ladies, don't give men double messages that entice him to think your "no" actually means "yes". Dress and conduct yourself in a way to encourage that long-term commitment.

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