Happy new week! Or not so happy, last week I had good news, bad news...all types of news but here we are thanking God for a new week.
Official 2nd Thisday Music Festival Artist Line-up

Kelly Rowland
John Legend
Sasha - Storm In Da Buildin
Naeto-c - Storm In Da Buildin
Charly Boy & Lady D
It sounds like something not to be missed!
So the TL WA Blogville Edition is finally here - featuring Adaure, Taureanminx, Bella Naija, Bimbylads and myself. Check it out here.
First off, I would like to acknowledge and thank the True Love West Africa team for the feature.
However, yet another disclaimer is in order as I am aware magazines tend not to include everything you say in an interview, in which case I tried to be as diplomatic as possible but OH NOOOOOOOO - I come across as some cheesy Nigerian techy who brags about her blog....well, there is freedom of speech so...
1st paragraph: I was asked about my occupation although that has nothing to do with blogging really. I mentioned about enjoying blogging cos I am able to pass information to Nigerians around the world about bla and bla and hence you get an audience/following.
2nd paragraph: I do not surf the net as a so called IT GURU. I would probably get sacked. I only mentioned I work in IT consulting when asked my occupation - how that relates to writing a blog beats me.
3rd paragraph: I am a Nigerian at heart hence the name Naija to the Core was my response, all that flag flying stuff is corny but I guess that is what sells.
4th pargraph: Out of the twenty-something questions they asked, they asked me how many hits I received and I looked at the total number of hits since I started (at the bottom of this page) and divided it by the number of months I had been blogging. Didn't just say how many hits I receive - or trying to brag about how my blog is so great or that I have a LARGE POOL OF NIGERIANS LOL?!!!!! Although I mentioned, sometimes I go M.I.A. and people call me/email/leave messages to update BECAUSE I am M.I.A. so I know I have to deliver.
5th paragraph: This is soooo wrong, they asked if I make money from it and I said no I don't although there are ways to make money from blogging e.g. Google AdSense. They even emailed me to re-confirm whether I intend to make money and I responded saying I haven't thought about that unless in the future. Arrghhh
Last paragraph: I mentioned advantages and disadvantages of blogging and one disadvantage would be not updating where you lose your audience to a new blog on the block but hey, that's Blogville for you. I also try to blog more but since I work and can't let blogging affect my work, I'd rather have it the other way round - LOL OK SO WHERE IS THAT ANSWER EHN ...
So Why oh why are my responses skewed? Hiss. I can imagine reading this and saying this Mona must feel oh as if she is always hounded by paparazzi. Apologies to any readers who probably raised an eyebrow when they read my article.
Oh well, those who know me know me. Mona is not proud neither does she brag and tries as much as possible to update because she is always M.I.A. guess the PR is good so thanks to them but like Taureanminx's disclaimer too, I have learnt that as diplomatic as you try to be, Magazines will be Magazines....lol
Next off, England is now SMOKE FREE! The smoking ban commenced on Sunday the 1st of July and now, people can't smoke in public e.g. malls, restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, hehehe...at least I know when I go out, my hair will smell fresh at the end of the night. Check out www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/July1st
It is also a bid to reduce the extremely high risk of cancer via smoking/second-hand smoke. I bet you all knew that though :-)
Lastly, look what I found! Brings back memories! :o)
LOL...Congrats sweetie!!!...this is chief commenter..making her mark...perhaps u should have given me a shout out sha...what are friends and blogville partners for???...
Just thought i'd make my mark...I shal return!!!
ahyah, mona wasssup, infact, ill email u in a bit..
We love your blog mona, and always will. It is very down to earth, and quite funny at times. don't let the sodding press get you down. check you out eh? having press reviews and stuvvs. lol. Look out Carrie Bradshaw! xxxx
TELEEEEEEEEMATCHHHHHHHHHH! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVED LOVED THIS! meanwhile, i feel u with the whole true love thing. but well done for getting 'articled' on it. lol
Hey Mona, don't be too upset about the article. I guess they had to make the story 'sweet' now! But anyway, your picture's great, I don't know what you're talking about.
That telematch thing brought so much memories men, I remember watching it on saturday mornings
not to worry girl, we all know how it goes and we still love you the way you are
Chei! where did u dig the tele match clip out frm... mehn life... sometimes it feels like it never really happened... ur left with a bunch of distant memories... mehn i feel so old...
Wow!! Tele Match..where did u find dat?? sure brought back good memories....hehe...thx babe
Glad that England is now smoke-free, yes that thing of having ur hair stink of smoke just cos u went out is sooooooo annoying not to talk of the health dangers involved. My thing has always been, if u want to smoke and kill urself fine but pls don't try taking others with u by smoking in their faces..
Lastly, well done for making TL WA...I kno who u r but we ain't close or anything but nah I ddn't think u were proud or bragging from reading that article and every reader should know that magazines will always change some stuff to suit them so no worries..i only found tha flag flying thing very very funny....hehe...
keep doing ur thing girl..Welldone!
WOWOWOWOW, i remember that, I loved it!. Yeah the true love article was kinda...well kinda lol, cos I know a lot of stuff was twisted somehow. Like I said, its all love. Now I know not to take mags so seriously.
keep up the good work
young ladies doing their thing...
u are young sha... lol
TL WA Blogville Edition - Congrats
men, i feel u!!! where are those dayz????
oh tele match! good old innocent days. Congrat on the feature.
Awon critically aclaimed Bloggers...Nice One... Keep doing ur thizlle...
no mona's pal i deleted ur comment n sholly put it again cos she asked who mona's pal was when i saw her yest....u too u too dey abuse - monitor, p.s. i know who u are, that is the way u talk lol
i think i shall delete this comment too...its my blog isnt it? lol
now stop stalking pls n sholly no copying n pasting
Congratulations on the feature mona! i read the article and i was like...hmm does this really sound like mona??? glad you put up your disclaimer notice!! have a great weekend.
Perhaps u this babe they said u too me ni??
Totally loved...TeleMatch..nice one finz for remember when it was on sha...me I even thought it was sometime in the afternoon during the week after "lesson"...lol
Anyways nice one Milklady for delivering...really proud of u oh!!
Wow that Telematch vid brought back memories.
yo yo congratsssssssssss
Telematch! Those were the days... Mona, congratulations on the True Love article, you looked gorgeous in the photo as well. I am really proud that you guys got some recognition for the great job you do!
It must really be irritating to have your words slanted and misrepresented, but don't worry about it. We've come to know that magazines always have a way of skewing stuff to get those numbers up... and I think you came across really well regardless.
Well done and keep up the good work!
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