Phenomenon Captured...

Pictures from the official Phenomenon Store opening on Saturday the 20th of March in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.


Unknown said...

バイブ 大人のおもちゃ大人のオモチャ大人 おもちゃオトナのおもちゃ激安 大人のおもちゃ激安おとなのおもちゃ
大人 の 玩具 販売

Anonymous said...

louis vuitton bags will surely look good on just about anything, and can be used from day till night while on a little get together party. This Monogram Vernis is in blue galactic, pink and sunset orange colors, which are both striking and stylish looking. Each of Monogram Watercolor carries a tag of $855, which is somewhat low-priced for such Patent leather handbag.