This weekend (Saturday to be precise) brings you a big, exciting and refreshing event for young adults (age group: 20s to mid 30s). It is an entrepreneural, business and careers event. It is known as IGNITE and is brought to us by a group of young adults at the Jesus House Centre, London. See flyer for info:
I know it is worth attending because it presents the perfect opportunity to network with highly successful entrepreneurs and like minded business men and women whilst gaining an insight into applying good Christian principles in business and in our careers. It is also open to everyone.
Sponsored by Barclays and ABI Associates (, there will be several networking opportunities and opportunities to ask interact with the following panel speakers:

Graham Dacre (UK) - sold his business, East Anglia’s biggest motor retailer, Lind Automotive Group, for over £108 million.

Tonye Cole (Nigeria) - Chief executive of Sahara Energy Resource Limited, an oil and gas trading company in partnership with GE oil and gas and with diversified businesses in storage and vessel ownership as well as upstream exploration assets.

Regina Ezenwa (Nigeria) – Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (FPSN). Managing director of Rozec Pharmacy Ltd and Former Chairman of Lagos State branch of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria. Rozec has had long term working relationships with Shell, Elf and NNPC in Nigeria.
Colin Tomlin (UK) - Executive Director of Mandate Men's Ministries, a ministry committed to building men of integrity who will be role models in their families, churches and society at large

Ruth Djang (UK) - owner of ABi Associates Ltd, one of Europe's leading companies facilitating creative talent and enterprise among ethnic minorities.ABi Associates Ltd designs and delivers innovative business support programmes in support of ethnic minority entrepreneurs and communities and regeneration.
There will also be several other businesses networking on the day.
Please email your first name and last name with subject line 'REGISTRATION FOR IGNITE' to register at
In addition, there is a 100 word Business Idea Competition with a fantastic CASH prize and several other prizes and gifts to be won. Admission is by registration only!
P.S. This event is FREE as long as you register at
Wow! I did not know that Tonye Cole is a practising christian sha... Sahara Group is a major conglomerate in Africa and it has offices in Europe too.
I am impressed. I will try and be there.
Well done with helping organise all this. I am sure it will be good for everyone that attends.
Thanks Anon, pls try and make it and don't forget to register via email.
Thanks Dami Sho, we thank God ultimately
yayyyy am excited for RECONNECT..good job, hope its a success, wish i cud come
you've managed to make going to church more appealing to those who only want to make money. surely this should be more focused on the Church bit?
Not really, we wanted to reach out to non-church goers and non-christians as well. The event has nothing to do with going to church it is actually a business/entrepreneurs event plain and simple. It wasn't aimed to be churchy but having God as the element of business is already a given.
I also wrote on the blog -- it presents the perfect opportunity to network with highly successful entrepreneurs and like minded business men and women whilst gaining an insight into applying good Christian principles in business and in our careers.--
We are a bunch of christians who organised an event open to christians and non christians, some times it takes business competitions and other things to draw ppl to God not just church. In addition, all our panel speakers were Christians (saved Christians at that because we were particular about that). Thanks for the feedback.
my bad, i wasn't aware Christianity had different levels. i guess that makes it all better then.
but i'm confused, if it has nothing to do with the Church, how come it's being used as the platform for the event?
LOL Christianity should not have different levels and I never said it had nothing to do with the church I said it has nothing to do with GOING TO CHURCH. The team IN THE CHURCH who organised it got given grant for an entrepreneurs event from a company and we thought we would reach out to everyone including non Christians via such an event because Christianity covers everything including maximising your potential. We cant speak Christianese everyday i.e. be over religious without being diligent in whatever we do, as a result we got good experienced entrepreneurs who were also Christians to come and give advice on how to apply Christian principles to your business whether you are Christian or not. We hope it touched non Christians also and brought them closer to God because ultimately that is the aim. But Christians shouldn't be just about Go to Church, Church and Church. We can sing church all day long and not be doing upright things in our businesses as Christians which is wrong so apologies if you have been misled but I stand by our objective.
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