So, I found a new blog-friend today and her latest has a post with the above picture in her blog which is just perfect for the article I'm sharing so I nicked it heheh.....Yes, John Legend is dating this new Naija model, could it be love? You know what they say about these models...well, let's hope it's true love. And with regards to that, I got a forward from someone that had the following conundrum, or well I wouldn't normally call it that but here goes:
What is ABCDEFG? A Boy Can Do Everything For a Girl!!!!!!!
But what is GFEDCBA? Girl Forgets Everything Done and Catches New Boy Again!!!!!!!
This is obviously a guy's perspective before I have my fellow sisters detesting and getting furious. Amazingly, it all came together with my friend's article below after he experienced a man-bashing tirade from a couple of girls on why guy's are effedvocab:
--"I hate to generalize but I am a human being and it is what we do. We try not to but we can't help it. And our generalization is twin to our judgement and cousin to our degradation. I went to an all guys school, so no one needs to tell me that guys are bastards. I initially wanted to say that guys can be bastards but figured that, the bastard is in us, so I guess we are bastards. At the same time however, we are wonderful. Simply wonderful. If we weren't then (sorry to generalize) you women have issues, since you think we are all bastards but you jump from Femi to Chuka in the blink of an eye.
Annoyingly he has a point but was he trying to tread softly while stepping on some toes here? Huh! What does anyone think? To be fair, I'm sure I've used that "GUYS ARE EFFED" line a million and one times. But girls can be effed too oh! Kai! When you hear some stuff or when you realise that girls pretend to themselves (i.e. other girls) the most, probably because of the whole "image" or "reputation" thing, I can agree on the b*tches aspect. You gastvocab to fear some girls sha. Someone once said women are their own kryptonite or greatest enemy, dunno how true it is as in 100% but I can back that statement up with a few scenarios I've come across. Does the word "pretentious" ring a bell???.....when you find something out about a friend or someone you know which you never would have imagined and she acts like butter cant melt in her mouth when you see her. Why are we like that anyway?? We being females in general? It's very strange but it makes us tick I guess.
So okay same way guys are effed (obviously not all) we can say babes are dangerous (since we're not effed heheh)
Watch out for Girls on Boys oh (guys don't think I've stopped here).
Just read your post, I think its just human nature that people would never imagine you to have done something but you did it after all.
I did something **naughty** last weekend that I'm sure lots of my folks would never have imagined me to do, but sometimes a gurls gotta do what she has to do jare.lool.. Life goes on..
yeah I just saw the "monda" thing early this morning which was why I decided to redesign and maintain my blog.Before the end of the week, I'll work on all that.. Sorry bout the "Monda" though..:)
hey mama! i like! i like! keep blogging okay... mwah!
Yes oh, I for one know I pretend that butter doesnt ,elt in my mouth sometimes but some girls!!!!!! Kai so now we cannot even use the 'why do guys cheat' and 'guys are effed' lines anymore! Girls give tit for tat! They do what guys do and MORE, and the worst part of it is...nobody has to know cos a girls underG moves can rival any guys'!!! It'll hit you like WHAT!lol
@taureanminx Are you telling me?
@leegaya I personally don't find anything wrong with someone saying they were naughty but it's the pretense that baffles me lol
Listen, we are all trifling. I dont allow anything surprise me again.
finally, someones admitted it without getting slapped and e-jacked...women are as notorious as men when it comes down to it! phew that wasnt that hard.
lol...thanks for the shoot-out....yeah i agree with u...all i have to say is that females are much more discreet..everybody does naughty things from time to time...if a girl does something naughty...u r unlikely to find out. A guy? u'll find out soon enough...
Yep you're all right and LOLLLLL @ Adaure
In response to writers block!!!!
I CAN FEEL YOU. I have photographers block at the moment. Can't seem to produce anything I feel reflects what I really want to show.
As you all say to me....just put whatever you want....it's not always that bad. I say the same to you, write what ever you want....we can read a lot into it.
Me £0.02
Jide Alakija
P.S. Maybe on one of our shutterchance meet ups you can come and join us, don't worry we wouldn't be carrying cameras around like Japanese tourists.
Yep, women, we cause some things for ourselves.
The pretense bit, nothing really suprises me, cause i have friends like that, "chop and clean mouth" types so if i hear this one today or see them doing what they are not supposed to do, that one is thier business.
What i dont like is when they want to come across holier than thou, when i clearly saw them getting freaky!!!!!!
@ Jide I would love to come to shutterchance get2gether heheh...
@ Nneka, that is exactly what I mean...its the ones that do all the extra just to prove to others that they r soo goody goody no one asked you abeg...
Thanks for the welcome :-)
so john legend's dating the model? interesting. heard on the grapevine that he's ... never mind, idle chatter. you might like this site generationnubian.blogspot.com
bastards and bitches huh? would make a good party night name lol!
lol @ obifromsouthlondon. I agree, it would make a good party name.
Mona, I totally agree with the statement that women are their own kryptonite. We are a bunch of comepetitive bitches always trying to out do the other. My last blog is an example of what you have written about. How do we proclaim girl power or female empowerment when we keep telling the next woman "you cant keep up with me".
what is john legends girlfriends name??
Tayo Otiti.
totally agree with aihmmed, girls always make excuses but they are just as bad as guys.......classic example - read something borrowed LOL.
Hehehe...interesting article.
Growing up around 5 women, I do agree, you peeps are wonderfully made....
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